Matthew Perry was found dead in his hot tub in the backyard of his Los Angeles home on October 28, 2023. He died at the age of 54yrs.
Before his death, Matthew Perry posted an Instagram of himself inside a hot tub. He captioned the photo, “Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I’m Mattman.”
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The day before the hot tub photo, the Friends Actor posted a video of the moon and wrote, “Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? – I’m Mattman.
” On Tuesday, Perry posted on X and said, “Let’s make stigmas a stigma. -I’m Mattman #mentalhealth.”
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There have been theories circulating that these Posts on ‘Mattman’ were Perry’s cry for help, but sources have revealed that Perry was in a good place at the time of his death. Athenna Crosby, a 25-year-old model and entertainment reporter who dined with Matthew before his death told TMZ that the “Friends” star was really into Batman – and was even calling himself “Mattman”. “He was just a sweet nerd that liked Batman.” Speaking from her personal view, she also stated Matthew Perry’s death was a tragic accident.
Matthew Perry’s Costars and friends also recently said the Star was extremely enthusiastic and in good spirits up to the time of his death.
law enforcement also reported no signs of foreplay or drugs in the scene. The investigation for the official cause of Perry’s death is still ongoing.
The Star’s love for Batman was known. In his Memoir, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, he proclaims numerous times, “I’m Batman.” the book also concludes with a chapter titled “Batman”
“Someday you, too, might be called upon to do something important, so be ready for it,” he writes in the final lines of the Memoir. “And when whatever happens, just think, what would Batman do? And do that.”
According to another source, Perry’s recent posts about “Mattman” originated from an idea the actor had been working on for a series. “He was having fun,” the Source said.
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